Cookie Policy

Website cookies are those sent to the user’s computer or device and managed exclusively by the website. Information collected through these cookies is used to improve and personalize the user experience. Some cookies may, for example, be used to remember user preferences and choices and to provide personalized content.

Third-Party Cookies

Some of our partners may set cookies on users’ devices when they access our website. These cookies generally aim to enable our partners to offer their content and services to the user accessing our site in a personalized manner, by obtaining navigation data extracted from their interaction with the site.
Users can obtain more information about third-party cookies and how the data obtained from them is treated, as well as access a description of the cookies used and their characteristics, by visiting the following link:

Google Analytics:

Meta Pixel:

Linkedin Insights:

Cookie Management
Users can oppose the use of cookies by the website by simply disabling them when they start using the service, following these instructions:
As soon as you enter the site, you will have the option to block or allow the use of cookies by selecting the corresponding option in the dialog box (popup) that is automatically loaded when you access our page. However, it will not be possible to disable all cookies, as some of them are essential for the proper functioning of the site. Furthermore, disabling cookies that can be disabled may affect the user’s experience, as information used to personalize it will no longer be used.

Cookies Policy

By browsing you agree to our Cookies Policy and accept the cookies we use to improve your experience.